The appearance of red or blue capillaries on the body or face is caused by dilated blood vessels in the surface areas of the skin. The most effective way to remove the capillaries is laser therapy. Laser light energy is focused selectively on the blood vessel.

Then energy is transferred from the laser to the vein, which makes the blood to evaporate, and the vein shrinks and is absorbed into the tissue. After the treatment, the capillaries may darken, but within a week you will see the treatment result.

​1-3 treatments are needed to achieve final desired results.

Single capillaries as well as blood vessel spiderwebs are removed from the nose, cheeks, chin and other areas.

Good to know

  • Laser therapy cannot be used to treat large leg veins.
  • You should not sunbathe at least two weeks before and after the treatment.
  • You should not exfoliate the skin before and after the treatment.
  • After the treatment you may experience some swelling and/or redness of the skin, which will reduce in 1-2 days.
  • We provide treatments to under 18 year olds only with parental consent.