Carbon peeling – amazing procedure for rejuvenating the skin

The fascinating pair of words – carbon peeling – actually denotes a fairly straightforward and simple beauty treatment that has found many fans all over the world due to its effectiveness!


Carbon peeling what does it mean?

The term combines two words carbon and peeling; therefore it is a deeply exfoliating procedure that uses carbon gel. The treatment is quite new in the beauty industry; however, it has already captured the hearts and imaginations of many clients all over the world!

Carbon peeling or laser peeling with the help of carbon gel is a renowned and valued high-tech procedure that combats the signs of ageing, brightens the facial complexion and alleviates different skin conditions. The treatment is also highly suitable for oily skin as it reduces pores and normalises the production of sebum.

The goal of carbon peeling is removing dead skin cells and renewal of the skin, the treatment stimulates all metabolic processes, including the metabolism of lipids.


Carbon peeling suits you if you’re troubled by any of the following beauty problems or skin conditions:

Tired, sagging and ageing skin;
Uneven skin coloration and texture;
Pigment spots, rosacea;
Enlarged pores;
Pallid and dull complexion.

How does carbon peeling work?

The treatment combines the beneficial effect of the laser with photo rejuvenation. In the Lasermed clinic the procedure is done with the highly esteemed Lumenis M22 laser with Q-switch.

The treatment is based on carbon nano gel that permeates the deepest layers of skin binding dead cells, excess sebum and dirt. At the same time the laser eradicates dead skin cells, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, diminishes pathogenic microbiom and improves both the complexion and the texture of the skin.

Carbon peeling procedure consists of two steps:

First, a thin layer of carbon nano gel is applied on the patient’s skin. The nano gel eliminates all dead and keratinised skin cells therefore preparing the skin for the laser treatment. It also alleviates any inflammations.


The second stage is laser-photo thermolysis where both the surface and the deeper layers of the skin are treated with a fractioned laser beam. This facilitates the production of elastin and collagen and improves the complexion as well as the surface texture of the skin.

The procedure lasts about 2030 minutes. The treatment course is comprised of five sessions that are spaced five days apart. Laser peeling with carbon is not uncomfortable; the patient will only feel comforting warmth during the procedure.

After the procedure only slight redness may appear, which means the patient can resume their daily routine as usual.

Risks and contraindications:

  • IPL laser treatment cannot be done in case of oncological diseases, chronic inflammations, keloid scars and active herpes flare-up.
  • The procedure is unsuitable during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • The treatment cannot be performed on suntanned skin. After sunbathing a period of at least 2–4 weeks should pass before the treatment. Self-tanners are also prohibited for two weeks before the treatment.
  • The procedure is unsuitable during a course of antibiotic treatment and a period of at least two weeks should be left between using antibiotics and the procedure.
  • Any active inflammations should be treated and, if possible, cured prior to the procedure.

After the procedure

  • After the treatment slight redness or blushing may appear.
  • For two weeks after the procedure sunscreen with SPF 50 should be used.
  • It is not advisable to consume alcohol for 24 hours after the procedure.
  • It is prohibited to visit swimming pool or sauna for two weeks after the procedure.